Stress is a Tensor ...

My life through the MBA application process while I try to get my Professional Engineer's License ...

Friday, June 30, 2006

Applicant's block ?

First of all, thanks to all of you who responded to my survey with votes and comments. All of you agree with my thoughts and I have decided to let my boss in on my secret sometime next week.

When I sit down and talk with my boss, I want to hand him a decent draft of my "Why MBA and Why now?" essay. More than anything, I want to know how cogent he thinks my arguments are for pursuing a business degree. But the essay(s) are not as easy as I expected, and that includes the rough drafts!

I have a very clear (yet flexible) career plan in mind but when I start to put this on paper, I just can't write! I do not yet know if this reflects on the feasibility of my career plan or on my skills as a writer.

I have put down a few pages of notes on what I want to do and why and how I want to get there; but all these paragraphs are not in any particular order and come across as nothing more than random ramblings. Other demands on my time keep on piling up. I spent the past weekend with my girlfriend (lots of fun), my buddy from LA is visiting as well and I will be in NYC next weekend.

Since Columbia will not be in session (weekend!) I will need to visit NYC again, sometime later. I have their summer class schedule and I would like to visit on a Wednesday. So little time ...


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